what's happening?
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child continues taking donations for 2024! Drop off your contributions at the OCC Display in the Narthex now through October! Click "Needs List" above to get an updated list of items.
Healing School
Healing School and NCBI will be teaching on Christ the Healer by F.F. Bosworth all semester. Classes begin Sept. 10th, at 7:15 PM in Room 104 in the All Purpose Building. The book can be purchased at the NCF Bookstore.
Rev. Rallene Almendarez-McKnight
There's a special anointing that comes to NCF when Rev. Rallene Almendarez-McKnight steps into the house! Don't miss this dynamic minister deliver a Word in power and demonstration of the Spirit!
OCT 13
Food Fundraiser
Let Curry Chicken and Pancit grace your plates for October’s Food Fundraiser! If you’ve never had this Curry Chicken, you’re in for a treat...get it regular or spicy! All proceeds go directly to the church. Sign up and pay in advance at the Connect Center!
OCT 13
Biblical Citizenship
Join Jason & Joy Winther Sunday Evenings for an exciting new Life Group starting September 8th-October 27th!
OCT 13
Harvest Party
Our annual Harvest Party for the kiddos is next month! Candy collection containers will be at the kiosk in the Children’s Church and in Church Narthex. Grab some extra candy when you are out shopping!
OCT 31
OCC Packing Party
We will be packing up the Operation Christmas Child boxes starting Sunday, November 3rd immediately after church in the NCF Cafeteria, as well as Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 5-8 PM in the Cafeteria.
NOV 3-5