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serving is more than volunteering...

The term volunteer is a very good word. We use it to describe hall monitors in public schools, Earth Day workers, and blood donors. Our world needs good volunteers. You have likely been asked to volunteer dozens of times in your life, with varying degrees of satisfaction. 


I like the word volunteer, but I don’t think it’s the right word to use in the church.  A volunteer is known as someone who offers to perform work for an organization without getting paid. This emphasizes the idea of doing something for nothing. Volunteers commonly have the attitude, “They better appreciate that I am doing this for free.” Volunteers come when they can, work as long as they want, and leave when they please. This is understandable, since they are doing something for nothing.


The church of Jesus Christ does not need volunteers. When we as believers use our time, talents, and treasure to perform good works for the body of Christ, we are not just volunteering.  We are serving.  


When we work in the church, we are not doing something for nothing.  We are acting as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our pay has already been received. We have been chosen by God, born again, washed from our sins, and given eternal life.  Jesus washed your whole life with His precious blood. How do you repay Him? By washing His feet. The local church is the body of Christ. When you serve one another in the local church you are washing the feet of Jesus.


A servant owes his master his life. We work in the world for pay. We serve in the church for love. Don’t ever volunteer for church again. Take the initiative to become a servant of Jesus, and then do whatever tasks His body asks or needs you to do.


Church is a team sport. It’s one thing to have a great preacher and a great worship leader, but to have a great church you have to have everybody involved, serving others by giving their time and treasure to the local church.  Jesus told us exactly how to be great, when He said, “Whoever wants to be great among you, let him be a servant.”

If you want to be great…Serve.


I believe that we all are called by God to serve. I’m not saying you’re called to be a preacher and stand behind a pulpit. Yes, some people have vocal gifts; they’re encouragers, they’re teachers, they’re exhorters and that may be in the public arena or it may be just “one on one.”  But, many are called to serve behind the scenes in many different ways in the Ministry of Helps such as: Ushering, Youth, Audio and Video, Music, Children’s Ministry, Outreach and in Hospitality.


People who have great ability, talent and skill are of no benefit to the Kingdom of God until they first of all have “availability.” Do you know that there are people that have a “call” on their life and they never obey? Leadership begins by saying, “I accept responsibility” and I am making myself available to serve.

We want to hear Jesus say to us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” But that means that we must be “faithful” if we’re to hear it. If we want to receive God’s best, we must give our best.

Children's Ministry

Elevate Kids at New Creation Fellowship is a fun journey of Biblical Learning for Elementary children.  It is designed to teach children the foundational stories of the Bible and to show them how the lessons from those Bible stories can apply to their lives each day.  

The excitement starts at 10:00 AM every Sunday morning. 



Ages 6 months to 2 years.


Preschool Sunday School

Ages 3 years to 5 years old.


Elevate Kids Sunday School

Lower Elementary

Grades K-3rd.


Upper Elementary

Grades 4th-6th.

NCF Youth

NCF Youth is a place for middle and high school students to have an encounter with God on a weekly basis, while building healthy relationships

with the youth pastors, leaders and fellow students.


Wednesday Evenings 7 PM

Located in Youth Loft in our gymnasium.

Minimalist Black and White Clothing Store Logo.png
The Collective

A great opportunity for young adults ages 18-40 is here!


THE COLLECTIVE @ NCF is all about connecting and building relationships with like-minded individuals.


Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of a supportive and inspiring community! For more information, please come to the Connect Center and we'll steer you in the right direction!

Ladies Fellowship

Ladies Fellowship ministry provides a supportive environment where women of faith can come together to deepen their spiritual growth through connecting with other faith filled believers! Whether it's through lively discussion, fun activities, or educational events, we strive to create a space where women can grow in their faith and develop meaningful relationships with one another.


So, if you're looking for a place to connect with like-minded women and grow in your spiritual journey, come join us at the Ladies Fellowship!


Meets every first and third Thursdays @1 PM  |  Rm. 104

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Men's Breakfast

Join Mike Moorman and the Men’s Ministry team for breakfast, a time of fellowship and an encouraging message from God’s Word.  


Men’s Breakfast meets every 3rd Saturday at 7:00 AM

in the All Purpose Building’s cafeteria.

Healing School

Please join us for our Healing School classes led by our Founding Pastors, Revs. David and Jeaneen Klahr.  These classes will help equip you with God’s Word and bring forth healing to your body. 


While New Creation Bible Institute is in session this Fall, class will be held during the course on "Righteousness."  There is a NCBI class following, so please exit before the next educational class begins for registered students.


Thursdays, 7:00 PM in the All Purpose Bldg., Rm. 104



New Creation Fellowship was born out of a need for healing and to know what faith was to receive it.  Listen as Founding Pastor, Jeaneen Klahr shares her powerful testimony of God's healing touch.

A Mothers Testimony
00:00 / 1:00:45
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Image of an older man praying for a younger man
Prayer Groups

Thursday evenings at 7 PM in the All Purpose Building (typically out for the Summer months...please check Events / Calendar for up-to-date info)


Saturday Morning Prayer meets every Saturday except the 3rd Saturday in lieu of Men's Breakfast, at 9 AM, Room 104 in the AP Building


Our bookstore is packed with everything from books to jewelry and home décor.  


We have a wide selection from authors like Kenneth E. Hagin, Joyce Meyer, E. W. Kenyon, Rick Renner and many, many more.  


Bookstore hours coincide with Sunday and Wednesday church services, opening 30 minutes prior to service and the same following.


There are always new products being ordered, so make sure you stop by often.  If you need a book or item we don't have, please let us know and we would be happy to see if we can order it for you!

Connect Center

Are you new to  New Creation Fellowship?  Looking for a new church home?  Just visiting with a friend?


We want to connect with you!


Be sure to stop by the Connect Center in the NCF Lobby so we can meet you and give you a gift! 


We're also an information desk, so if you need anything or have questions about the church, we'd be happy to help you!

New Creation Bible Institute

NCBI is an ongoing ministry of New Creation Fellowship church with Fall, Winter and Spring semesters that go from September to May each year.


We have a great lineup of anointed teachers and subjects that will help you grow in your knowledge of the Word and prepare those called to ministry achieve licensing and ordination.


For more information or to apply, please visit the NCBI website by clicking the button below.

Children's Ministry
Impact Youth
Ladies Fellowshp
Mens Breakfast
The Collective
Healing School
Prayer Groups
NCF Bookstore
Connect Center



30190 C.R. 10
Granger, IN 46530


Sundays 10 AM

Wednesdays 7 PM

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©2021-2024 by New Creation Ministries

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